Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Roxanne Paltauf

Roxanne Paltauf went missing on July 7, 2006. She was last seen at a motel in Austin, Texas, with her boyfriend Lewis Walls. Walls stated that Roxanne left the hotel around 8:30 PM that evening after an argument between the two occurred. She never came back to the motel, and left behind her purse, money and ID.

Lewis got in contact with Roxanne's family 6 days after she went missing to return her clothes. However, after looking at the clothes, her family knew it was not Roxanne's clothing. The clothes were said to be kid's sizes and not her style.

Throughout the episode, her family and law enforcement elude to Lewis Walls being a person of interest. They talk about his violent background with women and prior felony convictions. Walls denies having anything to do with her disappearance.

An article from April 2011 states that Roxanne's disappearance is now being handled as a homicide (http://www.kvue.com/news/New-information-in-a-5-year-old-missing-persons-case-could-make-it-a-homicide-120521684.html)

This is a bizarre episode, and it seems like there could be many different leads, from Lewis Walls to a man carrying Roxanne's ID. This man, Jeffrey Moore, was arrested, and had Roxanne's ID on her. He claims that he gave Roxanne and Lewis Walls a ride earlier. There were some inconsistencies between Moore's and Walls' stories. While researching Roxanne's case on the internet, there has been some speculation that Roxanne was a prostitute and Moore was a possible "John," and that is why he had her ID. This theory does not seem very likely to me. Rather, Moore could have been involved in her disappearance as a driver of the car.

As of today, Roxanne Paltuaf is still missing

For more information, please visit




  1. Keep a lookout, you might get an update soon. And hopefully her family gets some form of closure.

  2. Why hasnt somebody from austin police shaken up this lewis waster. Other police departments would of got truth out of him. How many young girls has this paedofile killed and gonna kill..wake up austin......stan...U.K.

    1. I agree. Arrest the waste of space. He is living life and that poor girl is gone. He thinks he has got away with it. Jerk

  3. It really looks like this Lewis character killed Roxanne..he's a violent offender, and the last one to see her alive. Austin Texas Police need to keep after this perp!

  4. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1223762

    Is that her ^^^^^

  5. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1223762

  6. Why does a mother allow her daughter stay all night with a man she didn't like? Wake up parents. You can't be your children's friends! Be their parent.

    1. Everyone knows the nigger did it. When are these white trash girls gonna learn not to date down?

    2. ...when are Swarmfront trailer trash going to go back under their collective rock? Soon, I hope.

    3. ...when are Swarmfront trailer trash going to go back under their collective rock? Soon, I hope.

    4. Someone said why did her mother allow her to go, speaking from a mother with a teen age daughter that's normal fair question. Even if she had forbidden her to go ahead would have found a way. Whether it was sneaking out the house, moving out or whatever she would have found a way

    5. Hey @Poster too chicken to leave ur real name. Figured you'd be a coward... A$$HO|E

    6. Hey @Poster too chicken to leave ur real name. Figured you'd be a coward... A$$HO|E

    7. It's the mothers fault for allowing her underage teenage daughter to go to a hotel with someone, what on earth did she think would happen? How can ANYTHING good come of it. Geez, wake up and take responsibility for the way you raise your kids people!!

    8. the last time i checked 18yrs old isnt underage...geesh read thoroughly

    9. Why was his name spelt Louis on the t shirt?

    10. You're a special kind of stupid if you think the mother could control the actions of her adult daughter.

  7. I Agree And Believe Her So Called Boyfriend Is Responsible. When It Comes To The Police In Many Many Unsolved Cases They "Know" Who Did It Just Don't Have The Evidence To Arrest Or Don't Think They Have Enough To Convict

  8. Race has nothing to do with it ppl!! Totally irrelevant!

  9. Race has nothing to do with it ppl!! Totally irrelevant!

  10. I guess yal don't think white guys make women missing all the time. I forgot you hillbilly's still can't afford televisions. They do it all the time. Way more then black men. So start talking after you can afford a channel called ID.

  11. Race has everything to do with it. Look all around the us. U wake up

  12. Race has everything to do with it. Look all around the us. U wake up

  13. EJ Smith you're a idiot bigot piece of shit

    1. And you're ignorant james, wake up and look at the black on white crime stats before opening your mouth and removing all doubt of your intelligence, lack thereof

    2. im willing to bet that you dont personally know any black people

    3. you want to talk about black on white crimes, you gotta include white on white and black on white crimes too. its so sad

    4. im willing to bet that you dont personally know any black people

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Race has nothing to do with it I'm a white female married to a black man who has never put his hands on me has never acted in a violent manner towards me and has accepted my kids as his own. Most white men I know would have never done that. Wake up ppl. Those of you who think it's about race are idiots. Yeah the boyfriend is sketchy, he probably did it, but not bc he's black but because he's a lowlife. honestly I've met a lot of lowlife redneck pos's that like to beat on their women.

    8. Gotta look at black on black crime. All over the world it top the charts.

  14. I hope the young woman is found although I believe she is dead. I also believe the boyfriend killed her. No woman is going to leave her cellphone and just leave with the clothes on her back. The boyfriend killed her.

    1. And even though she left without any of her stuff, the boyfriend hooks up with the motel worker and invites her to his room. Which tells me he knew Roxanne wasn't coming back.

  15. Her bf is the killer.
    I think she did a big mistake having a bf agrsive and with criminal records and black. I think black guys hate white girls mostly.

  16. I have a very strong feeling her body is very near the house of one of Lewis relatives...maybe a grandmother. He did kill her...

  17. "Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides. In 2013, black criminals committed 38% of the murders. Whites accounted for just 31 percent."

    --- I'm not racist, but all the white people getting their panties in a bunch (and the 2 black people that responded to this thread) should get their facts straight, and not claim anyone is ignorant without fact checking themselves.

    Statistically, no matter how you slice this pear, the odds are the boyfriend did it, and race has everything to do with that assumption/statistic. Now before you go ahead and say "But according to that statistic black men only murdered 7% more than white men"....while that may be true, black people make up 13% of the US population. So while being outnumbered by the millions, they still manage to kill more people then other races.

    Its a fact, and it's not racist to disclose that fact, and make an assumption based on that statistic. You know what is racist? Calling it racist. Think about that.


  18. Bad choices get bad results! This guy had a history, black or white, she probably knew what he was capable of and if the young lady had a temper of her own (I don't know of course)than trouble is always the end run. Her mother said she didn't like him or have him in the house so that says that his reputation spoke for itself. Finally, he called his ex girlfriend to say he wanted to get away. That obviously spells murder! Hopefully, the cops will put this loser away in jail where he belongs!

  19. I'm willing to bet money that he strangled her to death. I had no idea he was 30 at the time! The truth will come out sooner or later.

  20. Wow, how does a missing girl turn into a thread about interracial racism. Even if the boyfriend did kill her, her color was incidental, and so is his.

  21. Wow, how does a missing girl turn into a thread about interracial racism. Even if the boyfriend did kill her, her color was incidental, and so is his.

  22. What difference does it make what color either one of the are. The fact that Roxanne is missing is the issue. Regardless of what color the guy is, Roxanne is missing. I hope that her family find out what happened to her. Sad story.

  23. I hope I'm wrong but this seems like Human Trafficking to me. The boyfriend may be involved in finding the girls and selling them off to these scumbags. South America, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia are possible places where she could be. But like I said I hope I'm wrong.

  24. .........everybodys heard that old jingle...."if you go black, you'll never come back"...

  25. Fact also that most serial killers are white men. Very few black serial killers..so while maybe because of their much harder struggle to succeed I'm this country where they are so outnumbered by whites made lead them to crime and violence white people are just 50 shades of fucked up killing because their mother didn't let them wear women's panties..I'm white by the way blonde blue eyed with a white husband and have always noticed the andvantages that got me

  26. Fact also that most serial killers are white men. Very few black serial killers..so while maybe because of their much harder struggle to succeed I'm this country where they are so outnumbered by whites made lead them to crime and violence white people are just 50 shades of fucked up killing because their mother didn't let them wear women's panties..I'm white by the way blonde blue eyed with a white husband and have always noticed the andvantages that got me

  27. Roxanne Paltaue i guess she is still alive somewhere but probably change her name and her appearance like hair , or her hair color or she don't want to be find.

  28. sad..ruly...I say check by the grandmothers houase of lewis..
